Jayme's Sales Tip of the Week - Call EMS!
How long has it been since you made a sales call to your local Fire Department/EMS Service? Here's a reason to put them back in the rotation - Lift Assist.
Local Fire and Ambulance Services provide what's called Lift Assist. If an elderly person falls in their home and has no one available or able to assist them up, they can call 911 for Lift Assist. They are not required to be transported to the hospital if they decline, are conscious and coherent or have no obvious injuries. The majority of the time they just need help getting up from a fall. Much like Frequent Flyers through the ER the names of Frequent Fallers are well known to paramedics and EMS.
Make up packets with information about your Fall Prevention Program and In Home Therapy. The next time they are called to one of these homes they will be prepared to suggest your services and leave your contact information. It's a Win/Win for the Patient and our hardworking First Responders. Plan to make at least one of these calls this week. Then let me know how it went. I want to hear your feedback from the field.
Let's post the top 3 success stories next week....go get 'em!