Stability Rules
To run a successful company, there are 2 key items that must be in place and cannot be ignored:
1. You have to hire the right people for the job, and that fit the into the culture of your company.
2. You have to keep these people in place for as long as possible.
After you've achieved these 2 goals, all of the rest of your business plan and model can be much more easily accomplished.
As an expert behavioral interviewer, and a hiring manager myself I see candidate after candidate resume come across my desk with work histories that show multiple jobs with tenures of 6-18 months. Needless to say, this doesn't inspire a lot of confidence when you are looking for a long term fit for an important role in your organization. If we believe that all of these candidates were simply not successful in their job, and not worthy of an interview, we are missing out on some potentially great people.
So....why do they fail....and why didn't they last longer?
In a word....Leadership.
Sure, many of these people were NOT right for the job they were hired for, weren't given proper training, weren't quality employees....etc.
But many of them are talented individuals who didn't "fit" because they (and many others at said company) were not led properly.
Having focused on the behavior of people for the past 15 years of my career, I can tell you that most leaders think only in terms of employee performance and "personality". That is, how well is this employee performing and how does their personality fit in with the rest of the team.
While personality is important, it pales in comparison to a person's innate behavior. Behavior is the driving force behind almost all actions (both business and personal) in a person and exists at a much deeper level than a person's personality. When you understand the behavior of the individuals on your team, you have a new understanding of what makes them tick, and why they do the things they do.....even if they've been asked otherwise. Behavior drives all human interaction as well.....which gives a better understanding of why two seemingly reasonable people have a difficult time communicating and working together.
Today's successful leader will take the time to understand their team's behavior, understand their own, and learn to manage and lead to both. They will become acutely aware of "why" things happen with the people on their team and what they can do to coach/guide that person to a higher level of success. The successful leader will be in touch with their own behavior and understand why they react in certain ways to certain people....and what they can do to manage that behavior so as to achieve the best outcome possible.
Why is Behavioral Leadership so important?
Think about the cost of ignoring it....
- What is the direct cost of replacing a person that did not succeed at their job within a year of hire?
- What is the "opportunity cost" while that job is vacant?
- What is the hard cost of the rest of your team having to pick up the slack until a new hire is made?
- What is the "burnout" cost of your team continually being overworked by taking on the work of vacated jobs?
- What is the "stress" cost to you as the leader, continually hiring and firing people in hopes of finding the one that will stick?
- What is the "goodwill" cost to your customers having to endure slower or lower quality service because your team is not complete?
- What is the perception of your company to potential new hires if you are constantly recruiting to fill existing positions (and not because of overall growth)?
Answer these questions, add them up....and you may be surprised at the financial and human capital toll that a lack of stability is costing your company.
Call me at 877-798-2530 to discuss a behavioral evaluation of your team and a seminar to help them all understand how to maximize their performance and job enjoyment by maximizing their behavior. You will also learn how to understand the different behavioral types of employees, how to interview them, and how to lead and manage them upon hire. With this type of knowledge, you will become a more effective interviewer, hiring manager, and leader. Your team will enjoy a leader that understands their drivers, and one that they want to work for. Everybody wins.
Here's to more great leaders....just like you.
Michael Giudicissi