Hospitals, Home Healthcare, and Covid
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Hospitals across America are experiencing similar crises - Emergency Departments struggling to keep up with the high number of Covid patients seeking treatment. These patients are automatic First Priority, for obvious reasons. Inpatient beds are kept open for the acutely ill. Staffing is low and stress is high for the entire ER staff as well as Administration.
Having the solution to the problem has never been more valuable. And I'm not talking about the Covid patients.....Pandemic or no there will continue to be a high number of patients who depend on treatment through the ER. In fact, frequent ER visits may be required.....utilizing Homecare can help prevent this cycle, taking a burden off the staff as well as the unmet needs of patients and families.
If you want to know more about utilizing this strategy - what decision makers you need to get to, effective no-contact communication, putting it in to play for immediate results, contact us. We can create your strategy that sets you apart in 2021.
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