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Covid Selling 2.0 Is Here Forever

Michael Giudicissi

I was wrong....I'll freely admit it.

I thought by now, or at least soon, we'd be back to some semblance of "normal" selling in the home care industry. While I had definitely forecast that some facilities would be closed forever, I did feel that we would be able to resume many of the selling activities we had in the past.

I don't believe that any longer.

I believe we're on the doorstep of Home Care Selling version 2.0.

That is, a new day in the world of our industry, and one that will never change back to what we had. I believe now is the time to make permanent changes to your sales and marketing program. In addition, you'll need to remain flexible since the ebb and flow of the COVID pandemic is going to be with us for a long time. There is simply too much at risk for facilities to again open their doors to marketers coming and going as they used to.

So, what do you do?

We're teaching "what to do" every single week to attendees of our Home Care Marketing Accelerator Program (COVID Edition). This 10 week series of live webinars gives you exactly what you need to be doing that week to close more business and get your agency on track. The curriculum is dynamic and changing, always taking into account all of the current changes we are experiencing.

The next 10 week series begins next week on Wednesday July 29th at Noon EDT. I recommend you sign up your entire team for one low price.

This is it. A new world of homecare, home health, and hospice sales. Don't wait for us to "go back" to what we used to do. Those days are over. We're on the verge of a new day, new strategy, and new opportunity for success.

Be a part of it.

I'll speak with you all next Wednesday.

Good Selling!

Michael Giudicissi

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