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What Is Your Go-To Sales Call?

Michael Giudicissi

COVID-19 is running unabated though our country as we speak. The United States accounts for over 3 million cases and well over 100,000 deaths. States are rolling back reopening plans, and many are going backwards to restrictions not seen since March. The potential for widespread lockdowns grows each day.

So...what are we to do?

Well, the good thing is, most of you have been doing it already. You have been utilizing all means of technology available to you in order to continue selling. A number of my clients have reported growth in census and revenue since March. Yes, you heard that right....they have achieved growth during the pandemic.


They didn't give up...and they didn't give in. They realized they would need to adapt in order to thrive and they have done that. It hasn't been easy, but they have continued on the path of marketing their agency and their capabilities in any and every way they had available to them.

So....what's your Go-To marketing call? What's the thing that has worked best for you since this all started? Are you great on the phone? A texting champion? Has social media been a winner for you? Perhaps you have Zoomed your way to success? Is email the champion in your marketing effort?

You see, just like in face to face sales, some people excel at different parts of the sales process. During pandemic selling, many of you have found your niche in a specific type of sales interaction. That's good.....that's great actually. You're going to need to lean on that more and more since we're not nearly out of the woods yet.

I would encourage you however to seek out your second best approach and begin to use that more often. Just like in face to face sales, there are times when your "go-to" isn't going to work, or isn't going to be available to you. In the good old days of January and February you might have had a referral source who couldn't see you in person (for whatever reason). What did you do...give up? Of course not! You went to your backup plan of email, text, call, etc....

Today, I'm encouraging you to have a solid backup plan when your key method of selling doesn't work (and there will be a time when this happens).

If the immediacy of texting stops working, perhaps you need to build your skills at delivering impactful email messaging? When social media becomes old hat, you'll need to sharpen up your phone skills. If you've avoided holding Zoom sales calls, maybe it's time to throw a few of those into the mix.

Look, we're not coming out the other end of this in a couple of months as many of us (including me) hoped and expected. It's time to buckle up for a much longer journey into virtual selling. It's time to get great at it....because for many of us, it's the only selling we'll be allowed to do.

The bright spot? Agencies across the country are growing by adapting to the market and what they are allowed to do. You can too.

Don't give up, and don't give in.

Good Selling!

Michael Giudicissi

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