Senior Care Must Do #33
Monday 8am: Read this newsletter
Monday 8:15am: Figure out how to be there, even when you can't be there.
By the time you're reading this, I'll be undergoing knee surgery to fix the damage I did in jiu jitsu class a couple of months ago. Since I can't be on the job today, I figured it would be a good time to discuss how you can stay top of mind in your key referral sources even when you cannot be there in person. Let's face it, there are things that take you out of the field from time to time (aside from vacations or sick/personal time which can take even more) and we don't want to disappear from the minds of our best referral partners. Here are a few ideas of things you can do remotely to stay in touch.
1. Text or email to check in and let them know you're out of pocket and when you'll be back.
2. Check in via LinkedIN or other social media they use to stay in touch
3. Forward any pertinent industry or agency info to them
1. Have someone from your office (that they already know) make a visit while you are away
2. Organize an official (or semi official) event for a time outside of work hours when you can be there
1. Be so valuable to them that they'll keep referring (or refer even more) while you are away
Yes, I've seen cases when reps are so valued and appreciated that referral sources actually go out of their way to refer more often while the rep is out of pocket. It's rare, but it's possible. You'll need to become a true "referral partner" in order to make this happen.....serving their needs with top quality customer service, and being the most professional and responsive person they work with.
Those are a few of my ideas...what do you do to stay top of mind during times you can't be in your referral sources office?
Check out these upcoming opportunities
FREE Webinar - 5 Secrets To Building A High Performing Team - For operations, clinical, sales, and admin.
Home Care Marketing Accelerator 10 Week Webinar Training - Begins October 9th and continues for 10 sessions. Guided, step by step sales training to destroy your sales goals!!
Home Care Marketing Seminars IN Your City - check out our new Hosted Seminars to bring Michael Giudicissi to your city at an event you host! We bring the training, you host the event, and you keep the revenue from participants.
Have a great week.....I'll see you when I'm out of the recovery room!
Good Selling!
Michael Giudicissi