Senior Care Marketing Must Do #28
Tuesday 8am: Read this newsletter
Tuesday 8:15am: Here's a quarter, call someone who cares
A quarter....25 cents....25 percent....3 fourth of something....
You get it.
25% is how much you could expect to grow your sales, referrals, admits, or census if you do one thing every time, and do it well.
Close the sale.
Not sometimes, not most of the time, not almost every time....Every Time.
If you do, the growth will be waiting.
Most times reps don't close often enough because they are afraid of rejection, coming across as "too pushy", or simply don't know how. Don't worry, I've got you covered.
Join me in Dallas, TX on September 13th for a full day of buying signals and closing training. This training is specifically for the senior care industry and has been proven to work by agencies all over the world.
Now it's your turn. Spend the day with me becoming a Master Closer and never worry about being "too pushy" again. Learn the skills and techniques that my best students have used to grow their sales and make HUGE gains in census and admissions. I'm holding nothing back. You'll get every skill you need, plus lots of practice to get back to your agency with the chance for explosive sales growth the very next day!
Register for the Senior Care Closing Workshop today and save your seat at the one sales training that focuses on the one thing that most reps avoid. Closing the sale.
Let's do it! REGISTER TODAY!
Michael Giudicissi