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Senior Care Marketing Must Do #16

Michael Giudicissi

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Break The Barriers to Growth!

Join John Ninkovich and I for this powerful FREE webinar on Thursday May 23rd at Noon ET to show you how to figure out what's limiting your agency growth, and to smash through those barriers forever! With rapid consolidation in the home care space, the agencies that grow are the agencies that will survive and thrive. Be one of them with the important webinar! Pre-Registration is Required. Register for FREE today.

Monday 8am: Read this newsletter

Monday 8:15am: DON'T Plan your week!

Why not, you ask?

Because, most of your week should already have been planned.

This week's "must do" is incredibly simple, yet vitally important to improve productivity and results.

"Schedule a meeting from a meeting".

That's right, always set up the next meeting while you're in the current one. Imagine how many calls/stops you made last week. 25? 35? 45? What if you had scheduled a next meeting (with a legitimate reason for it) with every one of them. How many appointments would you have this week? A lot....that's the answer. It might not be every single call from last some of these accounts are seen less frequently, but it would be many of them. AND, you'd already have a purpose (that they and you would know about) for the next meeting.

Monday morning would come, you'd open your calendar, and you would only do a bit of filling in the blanks because most of your time would be spoken for.

Your challenge for this week is simple, every time you meet with a referral source, schedule the next meeting before you leave. It could be "Tuesday at 10:30am" or it could be "Sometime Wednesday afternoon"....whatever the situation calls for, but make sure you agree on it. Once you do, put it in your calendar and watch it fill up as the week moves on. By Friday, if you are discipline, you'll have most of next week scheduled with preset calls with people that are expecting you.

Now THAT'S a great way to sell!

If you struggle with "Why am I scheduling the next meeting" One on One coaching is for you. 3 months of intensive weekly work to be the best sales professional you can be. Check it out here, then call me at 1-833-POWER31 for more details or to get started.

Good Selling!

Michael Giudicissi

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