Senior Care Marketing Must Do #5
Monday 8am: Read this newsletter
Monday 8:15am - Get rejected
Remember this scene from Rocky III when Clubber Lang was beating the living snot out of Rocky? Rocky's old friend Apollo Creed kept yelling at Rocky to cover up, and get out of there. Only Pauly saw what was truly going on however...
Pauly could see that Rocky was using the fuel of the beating to get mad, get fired up, and eventually win the fight.
What's your fuel while selling?
For most of us, it's success. Winning the new account, getting the referral, closing the deal all feels so good that we seek that feeling out again and again. The problem is, we don't always get that feeling on a regular what do you do then?
If you learn to use rejection as fuel, you'll learn to love selling...even when you don't succeed in making the sale.
There are a number of reasons you might be "rejected" in sales:
1. The referral source is having a bad day
2. They are overwhelmed and busy
3. They don't think they need what you offer
4. They think you're the same as everyone else.
5. And so on, and so on.
If you are going to be put off by these very common scenarios you are going to have a difficult time making sales a long term career. EVERY single one of these can be turned around by the sales reps that uses rejection as fuel to keep selling, and to keep getting better at sales.
The BEST sales reps in the world, get rejected the most because they are the ones who are selling most of the time.
Think about every rejection as a learning lesson. What could you have done differently? What could you have done better? How would you change your approach the next time, when in a similar situation?
Get it? Treat it like a game....and one that you are committed to win in the end.
Another common mistake is to avoid rejection by not even asking for anything from you customers. You don't really just visit. If you never ask, they can never say no...right?
The problem is, without ever really pushing the sale forward, you never get the chance to get better at sales. You never learn to uncover the objection, work on it, and overcome it. Not getting told "no" feels good in the moment, but doesn't feel great at the end of the month when you've yet again missed your goal.
This week, I want you out there reveling in every bit of rejection you get. After the rejection, head back to the car and ask (and answer) these questions...
1. What could I have done differently?
2. What did I learn from this?
3. How will I turn this account in my favor on the next call?
Answer those questions, use that "rejection fuel" as a positive motivator and...GET right back to selling!!
3 Key Dates
March 6th - Our next Senior Care Marketing Accelerator 10 Week Program begins. Don't miss it, register NOW
May 2-3 - Our Senior Care Sales Workout! 2 day workshop in Las Vegas. Seats are filling up but we have room for you. This is THE can't miss, next level training you need to grow. Register today!
Today - Sign up for one on one sales coaching and take your sales to the next level and beyond! This is the most intensive, personalized sales coaching available. Learn More and Register Today!
Get out there, get rejected, get better, get great....
Good Selling
Michael Giudicissi