Monday Marketing Must Do #47
Momentum 20 Sales Training Seminar - 9am - 4pm
Learn the best selling strategy from the industry's most successful sales coach
Monday 8am - Read this newsletter
Monday 8:15am - Understand success
Last week I did a large number of interviews for my clients. I was interviewing prospective sales candidates for agencies across the country. Many of these candidates came either from outside of healthcare, or had no previous sales experience. This isn't good or's simply a fact.
One of my key questions for someone who has never had a selling job in this industry is this:
"How will you feel being judged solely on the numbers, on your referrals, your admissions....and nothing else?"
Now, most people give the politically correct answer and say something like "Oh, that's fine...I'm looking forward to the challenge". While that's a nice answer, it's usually far from the truth.
We're a special breed....salespeople, that is. We crave the challenge, don't get put off by the rejection, and are driven to work in job where we control our own income and our own time.
The downside for non salespeople that haven't lived the sales lifestyle is simply this:
Good dresser - don't care.
Great at team building - don't care
Forms lots of good relationships - don't care (unless they lead to increases in business)
Good party planning person - don't care
You get the idea. In sales, the number is the ONLY thing that it should. We are tasked each day with generating business and growing our agencies. That is our sole responsibility (unless, of course you have been assigned some other tasks). We go out each and every day to fight that battle and on good days....we win.
The reason for this blog entry is to refocus you on what true sales success is. It is making the number, case closed. Every sales action you take should wrap around to you "making the number". Every relationship you form should be focused on your "making the number". Every sales call, networking event, inservice, etc.....every single one...should always and ONLY be focused on "making the number"
It's our job. Mine, yours, theirs.
9 out of 10 people fail in sales because they believe they can succeed without making the number. They can''s our only job.
Be the 1 out of #1. That's what we're here for.
Good Selling!
Michael Giudicissi