Monday Marketing Must Do #42
Monday 8am: Read this newsletter
Monday 8:14am: Clean up your act
No one wants to go to prison (at least, no one that I know of).
I'm sure the Bay Area physicians and home health employees referenced in this story from Home Health Care News don't....but they probably are going to be headed there anyway.
Because they tried (and succeeded) in cheating the system out of $4.2 million dollars in patent billing for referrals they paid physicians for. What's the takeaway from this?
There are no shortcuts to building your agency.....and if you find one, it's probably illegal. If you take the shortcut, please make sure you look good in stripes.
This is the primary reason we teach professional, ethical selling and NEVER encourage you to cut corners. What corners, you ask?
Lunches, dinners, trinkets, entertainment, gifts, etc. I know, you're saying "Everybody does it Michael, and it's not illegal if we stay under the $ limits".
To that I say, you have wandered down the beginnings of a slippery slope and the farther down you go, the faster you have to go to keep up with the other agencies that are going in the same direction.
So this week I issue every one of you a challenge. Clean up your act.
Stop feeding people, stop gifting people, stop promotional item-ing people, and stop the insanity. If you clean up your sales act, perhaps your competition will too. Maybe finally we'll be judged and compared on our quality of care, professionalism, and value to the referral relationship. Imagine how much different your job would be if that were the case?
I'm betting those Bay Area reps would love to have one of these....but regrettably, this isn't Monopoly and it sure isn't a game.
Good (clean) Selling!
Michael Giudicissi