Monday Marketing Must Do #29
Monday 8am: Read this newsletter
Monday 8:30am: Get out of your own way
What are you doing to impede your success? Even if you're 90% effective, what are the 10% of things you are doing that are holding you back?
It's time for what I like to call "brutal honesty". It's time to be totally clean and clear with yourself so that we can accelerate your sales performance. Here's your task:
This morning, I want you to sit either with your computer or with pen and paper. I want you to make a complete list of the things you engage in each week. It might look something like this:
1. Make sales calls
2. Answer emails
3. Follow up on referrals
4. Attend health fairs
5. Attend healthcare networking lunch
6. Attend sales meetings
7. Bring cookies to our intake nurses
8. (etc, etc, etc.....)
You get the idea. Now, I want you to go and be completely honest about how much business each of these things bring in. I realize your list is probably going to be longer than you'll have more items to review. Now, I know sometimes you'll do things in the name of "relationship building" that you will believe get your more business in the long run. If you can validate and verify that, I believe you and that activity should stay on your list. If however you just "think" that activity is helping you but have no real proof, I want you to get ride of it for 30 days. After 30 days you can see if your results have been impacted either way, and then adjust accordingly.
When you go through this exercise you are going to find that some parts of your day and week are not productive. It might be a little, or it could be a significant amount. Either way, now you will be informed as to what changes to make. Some of you might have a hard time being really honest with yourself. For those people, make the list in private. Don't show it to anyone. Tell yourself you can rip it up or delete it right after you are you give yourself the license to be completely clear and accurate in your self assessment.
Hey, I know this isn't easy. We take the things about ourselves that we're not crazy about and we tend to bury them. This will be very challenging for most of you to do correctly. In every case....EVERY case, when I've had my coaching clients do this, their results improved immediately. Yours will to....
If you are struggling with your agency's growth and generating more patient referrals, call me at 877-798-2530 to discuss how one on one coaching can get your the results you want. I have limited coaching slots open during the summer. Don't wait till Fall....your competition will be that much farther ahead of you.
I'll be in Fort Lauderdale on July 19th for a great ADVANCED Home Care Sales Training Class. Seats are still available....get one! Register today
Good Selling!
Michael Giudicissi