Monday Marketing Must Do #21
8am: Read this newsletter
8:15am: Throw out ALL of your marketing material...
....onto the conference table (I hope you read the rest of this sentence before you acted!
This week, it's time to take a look at your marketing materials. In order to have an effective and cost efficient marketing program, you'll want to make sure that any marketing materials your agency is using are aligned with what you are saying when you're in the field. Make sense? There is no sense talking about your agency's incredible star rating and then handing out a generic brochure that says nothing about it. It's not memorable that way.
If you've come along on our (now) 21 week journey, you are probably saying different things than you used to. You are probably more informative and more professional in your sales calls. You are also probably more targeted in the way you sell....and your marketing materials should match that new approach.
We've discussed during our training many times, that your marketing materials exist to "aid the sale", that is, they reinforce what you are selling after you have left the building. It makes little sense to have a great, targeted sales methodology and then hand out a bunch of homogenized tri fold brochures that look like every other agency in town. Get some targeted, professional marketing pieces that mirror exactly what you are selling to your key referral sources. Get professional help to create these...because that's why the pros exist. Invest a little here, and I'll show you where to save money later.
While I'm not a fan of you throwing away hundreds (or thousands) of dollars worth of brochures (recycle them maybe?), I do want you to be as effective as possible. Here's how to do it:
Find the "holes" in your marketing materials. Find the areas and services that you are selling that are not represented in any of your materials. Start there. That's the first marketing piece that gets a new design. Once you have that, look for the next one...and so on, and so on.
Now, when you run out of "holes" then it's time to start looking at your inventory of brochures, cut sheets, etc and see which ones have the least amount remaining. Those are your next targets. If you stick with this program, you'll probably find that you throw away very little because you'll still be using the existing "stuff" as you bring new marketing pieces into your arsenal.
If you want to be treated differently, you must look, act, and speak differently. Your "look" is partly made up of every piece of marketing that you've ever handed to a referral source or patient. It's time these materials match the professionalism that you are now selling with.
Oh, those pens, mugs, lanyards, pads, hand sanitizer, band aid dispensers, and whatever else you've been handing out? Don't bother redesigning them. You don't need those to sell...ever. Use up what you have and save your money next time. That savings can be used as a budget for your new, more professional marketing approach.
You have only 2 DAYS left to join our current Home Care Marketing Accelerator program. We begin week 3 THIS WEDNESDAY April 11th. Once we hit week 3 there is not enough time to catch up. So, if you've been on the fence, jump off, register here, and I'll speak with you on Wednesday.
Good Selling!
Michael Giudicissi