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Monday Marketing Must Do #17

Michael Giudicissi

Monday 8am: Read this newsletter

Monday 8:15am - Check your soles

In two separate conversations last week, I discussed with my clients the important of "doing". That is, you can talk about, strategize about, discuss, plan, etc...for anything in your sales process...but the way to get better is by doing.

So, your mandate this week is to "burn some shoe leather" and get out there making the kind of sales calls that are challenging you.

If you struggle with getting past the gatekeeper, walk into 10 new places and work on talking yourself past the gatekeeper. You'll be better for the experience.

If you struggle with qualifyingI(and not turning it into a show up and throw up sales call), qualify 10 new places this week and reward yourself for each one you DON'T start spewing useless information about your agency.

If making effective and concise sales presentations challenges you, walk into 10 marginal accounts (that you're not all that concerned about screwing up in front of) and deliver a 1-2 targeted presentation on one of your competitive strengths.

If you dread asking for the referral, make 10 calls (starting right now....don't wait until later in the week) where you make sure you directly ask for the opportunity to serve a patient or client.

Conversely, if you don't struggle with the sales part of the job, but DO struggle with the rapport building this:

Attend 2 networking events and force yourself to introduce yourself and your agency to 10 random people. After you do that....make sure you ask them 3 questions about themselves or their job and make sure you at least look like you are interested.

Make 5 sales calls on current accounts but find something in your referral source's work environment to comment on and strike up a conversation. It could be pictures of their family, something about their favorite sports team, some award they have won...etc.

Most people never "practice" sales....they go out and do it. In almost every other type of performance (sales is a performance....don't you know?) you practice many times before the show goes why not in sales too?

You've GOT to get more experience to get this week, burn some extra shoe leather and watch how quickly you "get good" at the thing you've been struggling with. One on One coaching is available for those that need more guidance in perfecting their sales strategy.

SAVE THE DATE - Our next 10 Week Home Care Marketing Accelerator webinar program begins on March 28th. Our graduates are getting amazing results by applying our industry proven sales tactics. You'll get step by step guidance on how to build accounts, get more referrals, and lock out the competition. Check with your state home care association to see if they are participating in our discount program. Sign up today!

Here's what a recent graduate had to say:

"I am so excited right now! The 24 hour cases are trickling in!! We are starting one today and one Monday!! And in 2 communities where I have changed my conversation around our ability to do 24 hour care!! Your words ring true! Follow the process and tell them what to do! I just recounted that we got 8 referrals from (account name) in Feb.( only started 4), and another 2 in the pipeline for next week. Really excited about March! Thanks so much Michael!"


Get out there, and send me a picture of the soles of your shoes.....maybe there will be a prize for whomever burns the most this week!

Good Selling,

Michael Giudicissi

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