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Monday Marketing Must Do #8

Michael Giudicissi

Monday 8am - Read this newsletter

Monday 8:15am - Decision Day

That's is D-Day. Today is the day you make a critical decision about the rest of your year, and probably....the rest of your career.

There are two types of people in the post acute business development world. You are one of them.

Here are your options:

1. Marketer

2. Sales Professional

That's it. Now, how do you identify which one you are?

If you spend more than 20% of your time on the following activities, you are a marketer

- Attending health fairs

- Attending networking events that take place during business hours

- Doing breakfast and lunch "inservices"

- Making visits to referrals sources and staff to "say hi"

- Spending time in your office working on email, brochures, etc

- Delivering gifts, trinkets, or food (coffee, donuts, cakes, candy, etc)

If you spend at least 80% of your time doing the following activities, you are a salesperson

- Making educational sales calls

- Asking directly for referrals

- Strategizing how to grow your key accounts

- Building a network of ancillary providers to offer a comprehensive level of service to your patients or residents

- Networking before or after selling hours

- Coordinating patient referrals, charts, paperwork, etc

- Providing timely and professional follow up on your cases's pretty simple to figure out which camp you belong in. Now, don't get me wrong....I'm not maligning marketers.....they are some of the nicest, friendliest people in the industry. The only question to answer is which one is more effective in 2018, and which one do you intend to be?You have been doing some important "Sales Professional" work in the last few weeks if you've been following along.......but now you'll really need to dig in if that's the path you choose to pursue.

For the past 6-7 years, Sales has been much more effective than Marketing in the post acute world. That's not something I think, that's something I've seen firsthand with my clients. As we accelerate rapidly into the next generation of consolidation in the industry Sales will become even more vital. Marketing works for some of the people, some of the time....but at a diminishing rate. There is simply too much at stake for these large entities to refer to agencies because they "like" someone. is won and lost based upon strategic advantage and proper education and selling to your key referral partners.

Do you need proof of the power of Professional Sales? How about 26 referrals in one sales call? Or, how about my midwest HH client that grew $7.4 million in NEW Medicare revenues in 2016 due to our Professional Sales coaching? How about 4 referrals in one day from a "closed" hospital system? You get the idea.....

Today is also the day to decide to attend our next live Advanced Selling seminar in Dallas, TX on Feb 2. All the details and registration are here.....don't get shut out...register right now.

You Missed It!! That's right, you missed the start of our new 10 Week Accelerator Live Webinar Training Program. The good news is, we take new students until the beginning of week #3. You still have time to join, watch the recorded session from last week, and catch up to the rest of the class. The next class is this Wednesday January 10....don't miss another week. Sign up today.

If you need more or different training, simply fill out our proposal request form and we'll get you a custom quote in 48 hours or less!

Today, my friends is D-Day. What do you want to be, Who do you want to be? What shape and success will your career take this year? The yours.

Good Luck and Good Selling!

Michael Giudicissi

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