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Monday Marketing Must Do #4

Michael Giudicissi

Monday 8am - Read this newsletter

Monday 8:15am - Commit!

This week's "must do" is one you will hear at different times throughout the year. Today is a day for you to commit to one key thing in EVERY sales ask for the referral.

I ask this question at every seminar I've ever done.

"How many people in this room ask for a referral at EVERY sales call they make....every call, every single time?"

When I ask that way, no one raises their hand. While I won't go into a long diatribe on why you MUST ask for referrals every time (since you should already realize this), I will say there is no other purpose for your marketing efforts other than to generate referrals for patients in need of your service. To not ask is unfathomable.....

Ok, so we know you don't have the habit of asking every here is what I'm asking you to commit to: One day.....that's each and every sales call you make today, ask professionally for the for the opportunity to care for a patient or resident. At the end of today, sit down with yourself and see how the day went. If all went well (even if you didn't generate any extra referrals), how about making it two days in a row by making the same commitment tomorrow? Then sit down, assess how the day went...and make a decision about Wednesday. Start small and see if it works for you.

What results would we expect to see?

An immediate gain in referrals of 15-25% based on the results of many of our clients. Yes...I said immediate, and I said 15-25%. That's a lot of business you are leaving on the table right now by not asking.

One day...that's all I'm asking for. If you decide on two days....that's your choice (and yes, it'll be a good one).

Someone needs help and isn't going to get it tomorrow....because the referral won't be made....unless YOU make it happen.

Make it happen.

Success Story of the Week - Check out how Trisha broke a new account and got her first 2 referrals by using our Accelerator 10 Week Guided Sales Training. Congrats Trisha!

Dallas Advanced Sales Training - February 1st - Join me for this one day training seminar that will put you firmly ahead of the pack in sales knowledge and sales success!

Good Selling!

Michael Giudicissi

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