Monday Marketing Must Do 11/27
Welcome to our new weekly feature...the Monday Marketing Must Do. I've created this weekly feature to give you exact instructions on what you should be doing this week to grow your sales. Tune in each and every Monday morning for a fresh set of Must Do's to take your sales, referrals, and admissions to new heights. If you're not a subscriber to this newsletter, visit and register on the main page.
On to this week's Monday Marketing Must Do!
Monday - 8am - Read this tip....
Monday - 8:30am - Prioritize!
I hope you had a enjoyable Thanksgiving and last week's tip led you to gain more referrals. I know it did for a couple of my one on one coaching clients.
As of today you have exactly 3 weeks until the holiday mental shutdown date (Dec 15th) after which it's fruitless to do any real education to your referral sources. So, that leaves you 3 sales calls (one per week) that you can sell, educate, and convince your key referral sources to make that first or next referral (s). What you need to do this morning is figure out what 3 key things you want to focus on for each account over the next 3 weeks. Now, it should not be 3 same things that you present to every single referral source.....customize this. EACH referral source on your list has different needs and wants so it's important that you spend a few minutes this morning figuring out the keys to success in each account.
Got them? put them in order of priority or timeliness. Pick out the most impactful one and make that sales call this week.....or pick the one they'll need to most time to absorb (or identify referrals for) and present that one this week. Same thing with success key #2....that's your go to for next week....and so on.
It's tempting to go at this time of year without a plan. Referral sources have sugar plum fairies and figgy pudding (whatever that is) dreams in their head. They may very well sooth you into making "visits" rather than sales calls....but you must resist! Your competition may well be tempted to go easy at this time of year....but that leaves more opportunity for you.
Ready....get to it. It's Monday morning and you've got work to do.....and lives to change...
Got questions? Email me at
Want LIVE training? Join me in Albuquerque on December 7th for our final Home Care Marketing Accelerator course of the year. Get the details and register here.
Good Selling!
Michael Giudicissi