Monday Marketing Must Do 11/20
Welcome to our new weekly feature...the Monday Marketing Must Do. I've created this weekly feature to give you exact instructions on what you should be doing this week to grow your sales. Tune in each and every Monday morning for a fresh set of Must Do's to take your sales, referrals, and admissions to new heights. If you're not a subscriber to this newsletter, visit and register on the main page.
On to this week's Monday Marketing Must Do!
Monday - 8am - Read this tip....
Monday - 8:30 - Get OUT of the office!
This is a short week. Normally, Monday morning and into the afternoon is one of the worst times to sell in homecare.....but not this week. We're working on a 3 day work week in many facilities. The time to get in front of your key referral sources is NOW! You'll want to check in with these key people to find out:
1. What is their schedule this week?
2. Are they anticipating any run on discharges or do they have special needs from your agency this week?
3. Will they have any staffing shortages after the holiday?
4. You will also want to prompt them to begin planning discharges today so they are not caught on Wednesday with any shortage of post acute services.
You will want to spend the rest of your week facilitating referrals, working with patients and families, and generally making yourself available to these key referral sources. Don't waste energy "selling" this in, don't introduce anything new to your referral sources because they simply are not listening. They are working under pressure on a short week and can't absorb new information.
Ok...the clock is ticking.....get out there now and make this happen.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...and I'll talk to you next Monday morning.