No More Excuses
Kids back in school? - Check
Elective surgeries being scheduled? - Check
Doctors done with summer vacations? - Check
Referral source's minds back on the job at hand? - Check
It's time folks....there are no more excuses.
We rang the warning bell a few weeks ago...but if you missed it, it's go time. You must ramp up your selling efforts starting today. If you don't, your competition is that much farther ahead of you.
There truly is no reason for an agency to be slow in the fall.....all of the home care stars are in alignment for you, and there are more patients in need at this time of just have to go out and get them.
Tomorrow starts Week #2 of our Home Care Marketing Accelerator class and you can still join Class #3 and catch up with last week's activities. Go to the registration page and learn more...and get signed up right away.
You can also get the full day, live training experience in San Francisco on October 27th. Spend the day with me getting the entire Accelerator program laid out for you....get your questions answered...and get right back to your office and start doing it! Visit the registration page and reserve your seat today.
Of course, if you need more specialized coaching for your team....or any other business development help, email me and I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
This is YOUR time....don't let it slip away.
Good Selling!
Michael Giudicissi