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2 For 1 Sales Calls

Michael Giudicissi

How would you like to double your efforts, and possibly your success, in about the same time you spend in your sales calls now?

Sound good? Then, you want to start 2 For 1 Selling right away!

What is 2 For 1 Selling?

Simple, it's a technique that has you plan 2 outcomes for every sales call (usually with 2 separate people) so you walk away from the call with double the value.

Let's face it, you get small slices of time in front of your referral sources....sometimes measured in single digit each sales call. If you add up all that selling time each day, it probably measures well less than an hour. If you can maximize your results and outcomes in each call, you stand the chance to dramatically impact your sales.

So, regardless of what your primary outcome in each call is (you do have that planned before you walk in, don't you?) are some ideas for a secondary "double up" outcome that will serve you well:

1. Get an introduction to another referrer or influencer. These people can be vital to maintaining the relationship if your primary referral person leaves their job (and they always do, don't they?). Once you have the introduction, continue building the relationship. Generally, the rep with the most and best relationships wins the business.

2. Spend time solidifying your relationship with the gatekeeper. No matter what, if the door is closed to you, you cannot sell. Take an extra few minutes to add value to the gatekeepers day and you may find the gate if forever open to only you.

3. Look around to get the lay of the land. Now, I don't mean snoop thru patient information. Visit the lunchroom, read the bulletin board, check around the lobby. You might find some valuable information about changes in the facility, personnel, or residents that will help you craft a better sales message on your next call. Keep your eyes open wherever you go and you'll be amazed at how much business intelligence is right in front of your eyes.

4. Scout out your competitors information. Take a look around to see what kind of marketing materials your competitors have left in their wake. The standard tri fold brochure probably won't have much value, but you might find some other info on new specialty programs, services, or technical capabilities. While you should never obsess over what your competitors are doing, you should always be aware of it.

Hopefully you get the idea now. Spending just a few extra minutes on each call can net big returns as you capture the details that other reps miss. So, your homework now and for the rest of your sales career is to plan out 2 outcomes for each sales call, and to capture both of them!

Go 2 for 1 starting today, and let me know how it impacts your results!

For those super high achieving reps or agencies that want to knock it out of the park, I have 3 open one on one coaching slots right now. Give me your best rep and watch our coaching take them to levels you and they never imagined! Get all the details on our Power Coach program here.

Good Selling!

Michael Giudicissi

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