2 Calls You MUST Make In Person
COVID is on the rise in 27 states as of today. With a resurgence of positive tests, we will also likely see a resurgence of facility closings (yes, even those few you were able to get into occasionally). It's more important now than ever to use your face to face time wisely.
Here are the 2 calls you MUST make in person (if you have the chance)
Qualifying - This is the inception of the relationship. This is where you get to see the real environment your referral source works in, and you get to see a real person in front of you. When you qualify in person you get to see the person's reactions while answering your questions (even if from behind their mask), and you can usually tell how valid the information is that you're getting. Start the relationship off right and save your in person time for this call.
Follow Up on current referrals - You know that you're going to follow up on each and every referral you get, right? When you do, you have the perfect opportunity to turn one referral into 2 (or more). Being face to face with your referral source means if they have another referral, and are satisfied with how you handled the current one, you will likely get it (providing you ask for it). This call is very effective in person and much less effective any other way. Save your in person visits for this call as well.
While we'd love to have unlimited access to our referral sources, that's simply not in the plan for any time in the near future. You can do everything else in the sales process virtually....sell, educate, thank, problem solve, etc. Use this valuable in person time for starting new relationships and for generating momentum referrals....
Do it now, before we get closed out again by another COVID wave.
Good (and safe) Selling!
Michael Giudicissi